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Finances & Insurance

You may not be aware of the fact that your oral health is critical to your general health and well-being. Neglecting dental needs because of financial concerns is something we work to prevent at Huebner Smiles Dentistry and Orthodontics. We do all we can to make our services available to everyone – insured or not. That is how dedicated we are to your oral health. When you choose us as your dental care providers, we work with you to ensure that all your dental needs are met. Dental costs can be prohibitive; however, with planning and help from our staff as a new patient, you will be able to afford the dental care you need.

Flexible Payment Options

If you are concerned about being underinsured or not having any dental insurance at all, relax, book your appointment. We will work with your budget and show you how to afford the dental care you need. With our flexible payment options such as CareCredit and Lending Club, we can find a plan that works for you. We also offer in-house plans with no credit check, including Smile Savers, which is helpful for those who do not have access to adequate dental insurance. You can also use one of our payment options to cover dental treatments that your insurance may not cover such as certain cosmetic dentistry services.

Insurance Made Easy, Call Now!

Navigating the jargon of insurance can be a daunting task, particularly if you are not a person who enjoys paperwork. Fortunately, you have allies at Huebner Smiles Dentistry and Orthodontics who are there to help you with all your insurance forms and claims. We will show you how to get the most out of your insurance dollars. Please give us a call to find out if your insurance company is one of the many on our list of providers.

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Never overpay at the dentist again!

Financial concerns should never be cause for neglecting oral care. Contact us today to find out how we can help you get the dental care you and your family need.

At Huebner Smiles, we are happy to assist you with your Dental Savers Plan enrollment immediately. Simply call our office to speak with one of our team members for more detailed information.

We know that dental care can be expensive, especially without insurance. However, your smile still deserves the same care and attention with or without insurance. That’s why we are proud to offer an attractive Dental Savers Plan, which allows patients without insurance to receive the top quality dental treatments they need at a valued discounted rate. As a member in our Dental Savers Plan, patients can expect a 30-50% discount off an average procedure, which means your investment is paid for after just a routine dental cleaning or filling.

The Smile Savers Plan was designed specifically for San Antonio individuals and families who are not currently covered under a dental insurance plan and who wish to take advantage of dental treatments at a discounted rate. We’ve listed some of our Smile Savers Plan rates below to give you an idea of the excellent savings.

  • All necessary xrays and CT scans
  • Removal of a broken, failing or bad tooth
  • Any bone grafting that may be necessary
  • Placement of the implant
  • Permanent placement of the abutment and porcelain cosmetic crown

Annual membership is $349 for an individual. Learn more about our Smiles savers plan

At Huebner Smiles, we are happy to assist you with your Smile Savers Plan enrollment immediately. Simply call our office to speak with one of our team members for more detailed information.